Nutrient Level Testing

Nutrient Level Testing in Coralville, Iowa

Just like food sensitivities, nutrient deficiencies in our body can cause lots of problems.  Nutrient deficiencies can cause fatigue, depression, anxiety, hair falling out, skin rashes, oral health problems, brittle fingernails, muscle cramps and much more.

Nutrient level testing is pretty straightforward.  It’s a blood test and a urine test.  The blood test shows what your nutrient levels are at.  The urine test shows how well you are absorbing nutrients.

The report you receive is quite thorough and will not only tell you what nutrients you are low in but also gives you the following information about each nutrient measured:

  • What processes in the body the nutrient is involved in
  • What could be causing the deficiency
  • What the nutrient deficiency results in
  • Food sources for specific nutrients

Luckily for us, nutrients can be backfilled.  So even if we’re low, we can stock up on them and raise our levels either through diet or supplementation.  You would be surprised at how much better you can feel when you are fueling your body like it needs!

Set up your appointment today and let’s get you on your way to improved health!

[us_testimonial author=”- Shelley” company=””]“Amy helped me identify ways to gradually decrease the amount of processed sugar in my diet by cutting down on high sugar foods (especially pop) and adding healthier options. I never felt deprived and now have far fewer cravings for sweets.” [/us_testimonial]
[us_testimonial author=”- Sue” company=””]“Around 9 months ago I reached out to Amy because I felt like I was out of control. I have a stressful job as a school administrator and I was honestly living on caffeine and sugar. I was so tired! I was absolutely exhausted every day after work and I was gaining weight. Amy recommended changes in my diet. It’s not been an easy road, but I have eliminated sugar – especially candy and Diet Coke and I’ve replaced my treats with my healthier choices like greek yogurt and water! My energy is coming back and I am feeling so much more in-control of my diet, my body and my life.” [/us_testimonial]
[us_testimonial author=”- Carey” company=””]”Amy helped me implement some easy strategies that dramatically decreased my sugar intake and helped me increase my energy! The best part was I didn’t feel like I was depriving myself and I’ve been able to keep up with the changes I made over time!” [/us_testimonial]

Schedule Your Appointment for Nutrient Level Testing

Call (319) 338-7025 or Click the Button Below to Request an Appointment Online:
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